"Bridging the Gap between Municipality & Client."

Since 2019, the Ark of Refuge Inc., has been supporting underserved populations with emergency food, gift cards, counseling, peer-to-peer engagement and transport services.
The Ark of Refuge's mission is to assist in bridging the gap between municipalities and the communities they serve. We do this by providing direct services as well as sub-tier awards to local organizations.
Mission Statement

in the State of California
Let us examine the gravity of this issue by considering several significant statistics from 2022: a staggering increase of 15% in the homeless population, with 42% being families; 67% of homeless individuals struggling with mental health challenges; 52% experiencing substance abuse issues; and 28% being veterans, who have served our nation with honor. These figures paint a distressing picture of the crisis we face.
Furthermore, as we delve into current events, it is disconcerting to note that a recent report revealed a rise in homelessness amidst the ongoing affordable housing crisis. This alarming trend underlines the urgency to address this multifaceted problem head-on.
Now is the time for decisive action. We must champion a comprehensive and compassionate strategy that addresses the root causes of homelessness, invests in mental health and addiction services, and ensures that our veterans receive the support they unequivocally deserve. Together, we can forge a brighter future for all Californians, cultivating a society that leaves no citizen behind and provides genuine opportunities for every individual to thrive.
The problem we face in California is far from simple; it demands our urgent attention and resolute action. The municipal categorization of clients within our Homeless Management Systems and Continuums remains shockingly fragmented. It is disheartening to witness the absence of a universal rule that accounts for the intricate "if" variables. Consequently, individuals face disqualification from vital resources based on a single classification, overlooking the complex combination of contributing factors at play.
The failure of municipalities to effectively Identify, Evaluate, and Respond stems from a profound lack of cultural competence in our ever-changing nation. Instead of adopting a unified approach to democracy, we have chosen to embrace divergent definitions for each sub-culture that emerges across America. This ill-advised adaptation has given rise to hidden populations of citizens who are both misinformed and systematically coerced into harboring deep distrust towards government-sponsored programs.

with funding availability for homeless
​How would your entity classify a; Homeless woman, age 65, who has been sexually assaulted? What applicable resources are made available ?

"The State of California's "housing first" model is of paramount importance in addressing the housing needs of individuals experiencing domestic violence. This model prioritizes providing immediate and permanent housing for survivors, recognizing that stable housing is a fundamental requirement for their safety and well-being. By focusing on securing housing first, the model aims to break the cycle of violence and provide survivors with a solid foundation from which to rebuild their lives." - Leslie West, Philanthropist


Is Your Family Prepared For The Next Disaster?

Stay ready, so you wont have to Get Ready! Listos California wants everyone to get ready and stay safe from wildfire, earthquakes, and floods. Let’s work together to establish more resilient communities and help all Californians to prepare for, respond to, and recover from natural disasters.