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Must Be:

  • Homeless or in Transition or;

  • Must have an immediate emergency that threatens your safety or livelihood or;

  • Must be a victim of Domestic Violence, Stalking, Assault or Battery and;

  • Must be a resident of the State of California


Street Outreach Program 
Awareness Programs   Survivor Counsel  Hygiene Kits  Meal Distribution

In a nutshell, volunteers  walk the streets in known “hotspots” where transients congregate, in order to distribute  resources, information, and referrals. Our volunteers make it a point to be accessible at consistent times each week in order to build relationships with homeless youth and help ensure all clients get connected to other community resources that we trust.

Mission Statement
Awareness Programs   Survivor Counsel  Hygiene Kits  Meal Distribution

Knowledge is power but only useful in the hands of those that are able to apply it. The mission of the street outreach team is to support and educate those who do not have access to the resources they need to elevate their lifestyles. Each one , teach one. The street outreach team canvasses saturated areas of transient populations in order to disburse meals, hygiene kits, informational pamphlets, clothing for inclement weather, tents, and counsel one on one.  

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