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DOWNLOAD the TAY Programmatic Journey

This timeline gives a snapshot of the benchmarks for each client we serve. From inception until completion the youth is supported from Phase 1 Emergency Shelyer Servicess through Phase 5 Independent Living.

Equipped with everything from job descriptions to an intersectional resource toolkit, Our Go To Guide On Host Homes Provided By Point Source Youth
Youth Programs and Services 
Host a Youth or Find a Host Home for Up to 6 Months! 

The Ark of Refuge is dedicated to giving people of all ages, backgrounds and walks of life the opportunity to reach their full potential with dignity. To resolve homelessness for young adults transitioning off the streets, aged 16 through 24 , the ark of refuge provides a combination of programs improving the outcome for such vulnerable youth. 

These programs are Emergency Shelter, Short-Term Group Homes, Host Homes, Transitional Housing, and placement in an Independent Living Program. The Ark of Refuge has developed a two-year track towards stabilization which assists clients in the development of ; Communication Skills, Reasoning, Financial Literacy, Cooking, Cleaning, Socialization Skills, Humility, Responsibility, and Integrity, 


Program intake is completed for 16 year old applicant. Intake includes; History & Background Checks, as well as Behavioral & Psychological Assessments by Children's Hospital.

TAY Client Programmatic Journey

Youth Case Management Evaluation of Program Adherence.If youth cannot abide by program guidelines they will be turned over to foster care without r-entry until 18 years of age.

Youth is assigned to Foster Care and placed in an ARK approved 90-Day Group Home. ARK Group Home requirement; Home must be clean, w/host of no drug abuse history, total beds must equal number of available rooms.

Youth is placed in a Host Home, approved by Foster Care ,for up to 180 days or the age of 17, which ever comes first. Host Homes are to teach the moral and ethical principles traditionally upheld and passed on within a family, as fidelty, honesty, truth, and socialization skills.If not previously completed , Youth will be filing for emancipation during host home stay. 

Client assigned to 1 of 3, 10-Room Clean & Sober Transitional Living Programs for up to 1 year. Client is Required to pay 1/3 of their income into a deposit account for transition into independent living. Client must maintain employment with no longer than a 1 month gap. Client must attend house meetings, group therapies, cook 2 house meals per month with house provided groceries, and participate in chores.

Client assigned to an affiliate sponsored  Below Market Rate (BMR)  studio apartment or Below Market Rate (BMR)1-bedroom apartment for up to 1 year . There is a max of 30 units available. During this time case manager and client will be working on locating employment, and permanent housing within and out of county while preparing for program exit. Client is offered First Months Rent and Deposit assistance not to exceed 80% of monthly income payable directly to landlord.

The Ark of Refuge is able to clearly delineate the pathway towards stabilization within five phases.

Phase 1  Emergency Shelter Services    Phase 2  Temporary Group Home Placement       Phase 3    Youth Host Homes    Phase 4   Transitional Housing     Phase 5  BMR Independent Living 

Phase 1 
Week 1

Phase 1 
Week 2

Phase 1
Week 13 

Phase 1 
Week 14 

Phase 1 Exit

Phase 2
Week 15

Phase 2
Week 20

Phase 2 Exit 

Phase 3
Week 26 

Phase 3 
Week 27-52

Phase 3 Exit 

Phase 4
Week 27-52

Phase 4 
Last Week

Phase 4 Exit 

Phase 5
Week 79-104

Phase 5 Exit

Youth are assigned a Case Manager and placed in 90-day Clean and Sober Emergency Shelter. Must attend three therapy sessions per week if employed. If unemployed or on shelter property for full day must attend a minimum of three therapy sessions per day. Therapy is 7 days a week, 3 sessions per day and includes: One on One, Art, Music, Meditation, Parenting Classes or Self Defense. 

If Youth program adherence is satisfactory youth are awarded a $200.00 monthly stipend for Phase 2 of Program.

Youth Case Management Evaluation of Program Adherence as well as Behavioral and Psychological Assessments sponsored by Children's Hospital

The ideal client turns 17, the Emancipation Process is completed. Client exits Host Home.

Client completes 1-year transitional living program. Attends graduation ceremony and is provided information on additional support services provided by Ark for Independent Living Assistance. 

Client locates permanent housing moves out of BMR unit. Client is matriculated into society as a self sufficient, housed and employed citizen who has undergone multiple stages of psychological treatment both group and individual.

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